Friday, March 07, 2008

BedofBoughs, originally uploaded by Glen Gatin.

I think I'll keep updating this blog with pics and stories of my wilderness adventures. For example the regular full moon ski and camp expeditions that me and my buddy Greg go on.
We are so fortunate in the Brandon area to have recreation facilities so handy. Within 100 kms are three of my favorites Spruce Wood Provincial Park, Turtle Mountain Provincial Park and Riding Mountain National Park.

Left Simonhouse Lake from Gayles campground about 6:00Sunday night. It had been blowing so I fugured to make some time in the evening calm. Came across a group of three canoeist from North Carolina who took 4 hours to cross what took me 45 minutes. They were set up on an island and not going on any futher. I made it to the junction of Simonhouse and Second Cranberry lake and set up camp on a rock. (Map 63 K/11 UTM1435750N 6056500E)I could see the government campground to the WSW but figured the wind would blow the bugs off better on a small rock. I like one man islands anyway.
Monday it was blowing and I was feeling like lying around so I slept and read my book and took pics lof lichen, trees and rock.

A nice rock for Tuesday night. Map63k/10UTM14372100E6066000N Maybe the bears won't want to swim out to an island?

Excellent Sunset!

And a little later a waxing cresent moon. (Click on pic for larger view)

Up the grass river to the first CN rail bridge. This might be a good campsite. Would remind you of Wasagaming and tenting on hard gravel.

Tuesday island. Map 63 K/10 UTM 14378200E6057200N After 12 hour of canoeing 10 hours of sleep. I haven't slept for 10 hours since I was in high school.
Into Elbow Lake where it was blowing like stink. Tried to find the Murray Occurance, an old gold mining site but ended up just trying to get into the river and out of the wind.
Have to explore this lake on another adventure.

It did get calm later. Seems to be the pattern on these lakes. Calm til 10:00 or so and then windy all afternoon then calm about 7:00 til dark then storm all night.

There will be a delay in your rail trip.

Second CN bridge on the way to Isquasum Lake.

Landed at Isquasum Dock around 13:00 Tues.

Quick (3hr) 20 km jog back to Simonhouse for the truck.

Home Wed night 03:00